The Directive Board of the G.I.S.N. wishes everyone
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Brief introduction on the G.I.S.N.

The G.I.S.N. is a scientific association aimed at researchers and academics of nervous system morphology.
In these pages, we will collect the information, news, and simple curiosities that the Members deem it appropriate to make known.

Consistent with the aims that the G.I.S.N. has always pursued, our group has adhered to the ALBA declaration on equity and inclusion.


In the "LINKS" section, a new web address of the "Société des Neurosciences" has been added with notices of interesting conferences and meetings.
Dear Membersnella sezione "LINK UTILI" è possibile consultare e scaricare il Proceeding del XXXII convegno GISN che si tiene a Napoli il 25-26 novembre 2022, [..]
We inform you that the next XXXII GISN congress will be held in Naples on November 25-26, 2022. In the "NEXT CONFERENCE" section, you can find the poster and [..]